Individual Therapy
When writing the story of your life,
don't let anyone else hold the pen.
How Can I Help?
Mid-life Depression
You ask yourself, “Is it really depression, though? I don’t think I’m depressed. I just feel flat and disinterested in life, wondering what is next.”
Many of my clients have experienced just this.
With narrative therapy we are much less interested in labels. We concern ourselves with your path to feeling empowered, valued and heard.
Anxiety about Transitions
Racing thoughts, trouble sleeping, difficulty relaxing, tension in your neck or shoulders, and worry about the future. When you are going through major transitions, these feelings can quickly become overwhelming and impact day-to-day life. Whether the change is in your work, home life or relationship, let me support you in finding a sense of calm and clarity in this new chapter.
Discovering You
Human. Giver. Syndrome. The unofficial name of the phenomenon that keeps women giving to others in order to find self-worth. Instead of the promise of happiness and fulfillment, women often feel empty and lost. Not anymore.
You can find joy and meaning from deep within that is not about or dependent upon anyone else. Bonus: You might even get…a hobby.

Creating Lasting Change
We make meaning of our lives through the stories we live out.
These stories are shaped by culture, gender, race, families, and when and where you are born.
We take these stories as our own “reality.”
But are they?
Narrative therapy

What to Expect from Therapy
Share your unique, powerful story
Uncover parts of your story that have been ignored
Discover your multi-layered identities
Experience a deep shift in understanding the "problem"
Reduce the hold the negative stories have on you
Naturally unlock freedom and new possibilities for living

You give so much to others.
It is okay to receive support too.
Schedule a free, 15-minute consultation today.